Real World Studies

Care Pathway Optimization

As a healthcare provider
you want to introduce population health management
within care organizations and assess the impact of
innovation on care organization and fee models
As a member of the care industry
you want to develop a service offering for healthcare
professionals to improve the patient pathway and experience
What we deliver
The Care Factory Team supports clients by:
Defining pathway patterns according to patient profiles
Creating micro-costing models, including acts, consumables, and length of stay
Defining costs for data collection applications
Developing patient experience survey applications and social media listening
Analyzing revenues versus costs, patients profiles most at risk, and patients expectations
Developing conclusions and recommendations
Developing publications and posters
Type of data collected
Data originating from digital solutions
Patient profiles (including age, gender, and welfare)
Disease information (diagnostic and co-morbidities)
Drug prescriptions
Literature (epidemiology)
In-practice surveys
Social media analysis
Patient experience surveys
HCPs experience surveys
Customers insights
Social Medias
Open Data (open medic)
Expertise involved in such projects